October 7, 2010

Reflecting the Son

By Luker

As the sun sets when the day is done
Darkness takes the place of the sun
But when the Earth turns 'round again
The sun will shine -new times begin.

Let me be as the moon doth be
Lighting the world for all of thee
Reflecting the son -as I must
Until I turn from flesh to dust.

Into the darkened world I go
With just the light inside my soul
May I be a light unto you
Oh world that is soon to be new

I know that darkness can be won
For so shall my light overcome
May all those that do feel alone
Use my light to guide them home.

I understand the world is vast
Yet soon to there I will be cast
The evils of this place unknown
They -through my light- to him be shown.

Dear Matthew,

By Ivy

Dear Matthew,

I never thought I'd actually be writing to you. I never thought I'd ever be holding this paper in my hand, writing with this actual pen, with actual ink, and about to give it to you tomorrow with my actual hand, but for now, I am just wondering what to write. I've always wanted to be open with you, to be the kind of friends who could tell each other everything, so I guess that's why I'm telling you whats running through my head right now. I really don't know how to put this, but I guess there's only one way to put it. Always has been, and always will be, one way. I love you Matthew. Wow. Writing it on paper I feel so different, its out there now, you'll tell everybody, that I am in love with Matthew Girtz. I'm not holding something inside of me like a captive anymore! Its not a secret bouncing, swelling like a balloon, looking for some way, any way to escape! Its not just a pounding in my heart telling my to say something, a simple Hi, or a friendly smile anymore, its real, its not just sitting around in my head all day, everyday. its out, but it still lives within me. I love you. I've never said it out loud before, or even written it down in some secretive spot like most girls do, someone always finds those. Its never really hidden, and I'm guessing all of those girls have also written letters like these to you too, and that you laugh at them with your friends. I can't imagine, I try not to imagine you laughing at this. If only you could understand what those girls felt like, if you knew all of their hearts, and combined it with the way you feel for Libby, combine all those tears, and laughs, and years of waiting, and wondering, and just yearning to know if you felt the same way for them, or anyone, yearning just to know! If you knew that, and combined them all into one, you would understand one tenth of what I am feeling right now. what I feel in English, what I feel in Math, and at lunch, and at home, whenever I see your face, whether up close, at a distance, or in my mind. If only you could understand.

I know you don't know me, you probably wouldn't think of my face if you heard my name, or think of my name if you saw my face, but please whatever you do, don't think badly of me after all this. Many girls have done this, whether it be for some other boy, or for you, but I'm sure at least once, every girl you have ever smiled at, thought of, or saw randomly on the street has felt this way for someone, or something.I barley know you, how can I feel this way? is that what you are asking yourself as you (most likely) read this aloud to your friends at some lunch table, as they ridicule, and laugh at me, some stranger they have never known? Are you wondering if this is real? Are you even thinking of any of those things? Or are you just smiling, and getting ready to throw this away at the first chance? I know you aren't like that, I might be wrong, you could be reading this in privacy, with no jeering smile on you face, but in case you are wondering how I can feel this way with barley knowing you, here is my answer: I don't know. And I don't know why I don't know! I was always the one with all the answers, but for some reason, I don't have one this time. Why did people think I knew everything, why? They thought I was so smart, when it was really the opposite, you are much smarter then I'll ever be, I'm so stupid, Stupid to be writing this, to allow myself to feel this way for you, someone so far above me, although in my grade, stupid for being so stupid. I guess my stupidity increased when I first met you. Tats what happens when your in love with someone who will never love you back I guess, your mind wanders. You sneak a glance at them, and soon enough, a bell rings, the test is over, and your only half done. Or in the larger schemes, all that time I could be waiting for you, waiting to tell you, just for you to tell me you don't even know my name, but if I just waited, my whole life would race by, I would miss opportunities, and when I finally wake up, the bell would ring, and it would be too late. I have to get over you, I know that, but I can't stop thinking of the first time I saw you. I always wondered about you, and sorry if this was awkward, but Matthew, I will never forget you, I love you Matthew Girtz.

One more Pathetic admirer,
Gabrielle F.

October 2, 2010

Breaths in the Sand

by Dee

She walks along the shore
each soft footfall
leaving behind a sigh
in the sand.

She stands alone,
one figure poised in elegance
framed against the sunset
dark hair flowing
in the salty breeze.

She hears a voice,
whispering in the crest of each wave
in the sea-foam swirling
around her feet
in the last golden ray
of sunlight
cast across the troubled water--

it cries to her,
in melodies of untold beauty
it croons to her,
in soft, soothing rhythms
Let me be heard
it whispers.

She runs back along the shore,
a song rising within
the stars a crown upon her hair
wet slender feet leaving
breaths in the sand.

If You Really Knew Me

by Nightlock Belle

If you really knew me you would see
I am free.
Though I tend to be a loner,
Some call it anti-social,
I'm never truly alone.
The God who created the Universe,
His Son/ My brother,
And the Spirit born of his Passion are with me.
You can't see them maybe, but they're here.
My name's not widely recognized but I was born of love within their eyes.
The eyes of the unseen ones above and below and the eyes of my parents.
Mine are still together though so many are apart.
I love knowing both my Father's hearts.
I love to write and read times three, sometimes music is my only company.
Whether I'm thrust towards the mic, or hiding backstage, I don't care.
I just came to play.
But you couldn't see that
If you didn't know me.

People who don't know me think that that girl doesn't have any problems,
She looks so fine, head held high, mettin eyes, and smiling that sweet little grin........
Little do they know it's all pretend.
Sometimes all I'm doing is hiding my tears.
'Cause I'll never fit in, never fully reside, nor does anyone really see my eyes.
Otherwise you'd know I'm not fine.
How can you know what you can't see?
You don't even know me.

65 roses, a pretty name for such a sucky disease.
I hate people saying "Oh my G**"
Don't they what they say? What it means at all?
...................... Do they even care?
I already know the answer would be No.
I care. I don't say it, I'd manage to offend someone somewhere and confrontation isn't my skill, but I care.
He made you, has your name tattooed on his hand.
He left his Son to die, forsaken on the tree for you and me.
He loves us with a love beyond measure.
How can you turn around and diss his treasure?
'Cause that's what everyone is, precious beyond measure.
A most sacred treasure.

Those around me can be super mean,
I isolate so I can hide.
Friends haven't been able to get what we had back,
it was little more than shattered glass.
My heart was shattered glass.
Glass then thrown in my face as they laughed.
No one helps me rise when I fall.
Ugly is something you don't need to hear, screamed loud for everyone to hear.
Fakness I despise, coming to take innocence. My own isn't there anymore.
Silence is the only noise I hear.
But eyes are windows to the soul, or so I'm told.
A single glance can do damage untold.

*Reject, Failure freak.*
Here I find hatred and envy,
here lies ignorance and prejudice.
Where sweet ends and cold indifference begin. Not a person, a THING with vocal cords.
Right in front of you I scream.
............................................................Did you hear it?
The bloody shriek of murder in your ear?
Resounding through every open space?
I have to hide behind your mask. Is that fair? Is it right?
No, but does anyone care enough to show me the light. This a dark night, and there are wolves prowling.
I've been thrown there often enough. Someone is going to again.

I've overshot my time. The round is up.
I'll leave you with one last question. Relax, it could've been several. Not that any of you have read to the end. If you have, congrats. Unless you skipped and then you're lame. Not ready to see the face in the mirror behind you. Yeah, I'm there. The tall, quiet girl with shoulder length brown hair and the hazel eyes.

This is a Q that demands an answer.
If you hate to, do it anyway. I don't like doing my treatments and being called a freak, and no one stops either of them.
Be honest. Not like I'll ever know. Not really.
Here's the question:
Do you really know me,
or am I stranger to you still?
If I'm a stranger, then I'll be on my way. Adios, Au revoir, all that jazz. I'll brush by you without another word.
So tell me if you dare, who can look me in eye and see the brokeness inside.
I'd like to know it too.
Now this is truly........................ Good bye.

(soundtrack: Rumors by Lindsey Lohan)